Beautiful afternoon. But what baffles me is how many people are in shorts or dresses. When my day started it was a chilly 12c so jeans it was. Do people just freeze for half the day for the 1 hour of nice weather, or do they carry around a change of clothes for when the sun comes out. I’ve lived in Melbourne all my life and still can’t figure it out.
If I know it’s gonna be like 18+ later on, I’m wearing shorts in anticipation. I assume it would be same for dresses and such.
In any case, I bring a jumper. As long as my torso is warm I’m fine. My legs don’t really get cold.
Am jealous. I run on the cool side, my feeling of warm starts at 23+ and hot at 30+. One day I’ll move to a warmer climate. Maybe for retirement.
My idea of pleasant starts at 18, warm at 23, hot at 26 and OMG I’m going to die of heat exhaustion starts at about 28.
That’s really interesting, I’d say pleasant/lovely is -2 to 7, I hate 8 to 18 as it’s like a tease and I despise it, 19 to 22 is kinda alright, 23 to 30 is lovely, 31 to 35 is hot, and 36 to 40+ is brutal.
I’m constantly warm lol
growing up is was dress for the warm day and it didn’t matter if we were cold in the morning
it might actually be a good thing to experience all the different temps ( within reason ) rather than live in permanent and unnatural 22°
I have a feeling that as a kid spring /summer/autumn had more warm days in the past, but I guess is am imagining it because climate records say otherwise. Maybe I’ve pushed the cooler days out of my mind because they weren’t as fun. I don’t think it’s unnatural to be permanently in a warmer climate, that’s where we evolved. We overcame it by inventing clothes.
I remember walking on spring frosts and frozen puddles and ponds on the way to school
I can’t really help as I’m menopausal: hot when it’s cold and cold when it’s hot. Also spending most of my working life in kitchens has messed up my body thermostat. I find I wear things like long shorts over leggings and short sleeved t-shirts over long sleeved ones and with my trusty light-but-just-warm-enough crappy hoodie, I’m ready for anything! 🫡👩🏻🍳🥔
Just heard a fairly decent US election joke. What’s orange on the outside, hollow inside and should be thrown out in early November?
Dear Head Office,
Sincerely, Me (and Everyone Else I Hope).
I can hear Mariah Carey thawing out now -shudder-
Today has been brutal. Lots of hard work and annoying strokes of bad luck. I’m in pain and it will be worse tomorrow.
I also fixed something simple (in aid of solving another problem) but screwed it up in another way that’s hyper specific to the point that internet guides are hard to find for it
Hope tomorrow brings some grace. Hugs
Haha! Just discovered what this mysterious un used piece in my recent Lego sets is for. I am an idiot!
That would have been useful when me and Miss Seagoon used to do big lego sets together when she was still a tiny seagoon😒
It’s to grab the flat pieces!!
I used to have this with my Lego bucket and always turned it into a slide for the houses I’d build lol
I got it in my rose bunch and thought it was some sort of stand piece. Ought use image search more!
I did not get the nice place I applied for on Monday despite offering 15/week more. At least they told me quick smart.
I may have good news with the other place though, pending clarification of some weird half baked email I got that was missing attachments. It’s painful how much I’ll be paying relative to the size, and lack of greenery, and noise, but I’m reframing it as like a temporary apartment stay to finish my studies. Because I only need to commit till about mid next year. And that means FREEDOM.
I will have to cull a lot, but at it’ll feel like I’m really committing to closing this chapter of my life. No more coasting along.
Cross all your digits for me DT! The sooner I’m done with this the better 🤞
Fingers and toes are crossed for you <3
🤞 and all the luck in the world for you!
Digits crossed as requested. Also elbows and knees. Keep searching and applying though.
Crossing everything for you 🤞
Made it down the bellarine again. Down here there’s a place called Swan island where SAS train. Anyway the neighbour is ex-SAS. I’ve never really had a long conversation with the dude. Bumped into him as I was rocking up and he was walking his puppy said 'ello. I’VE NEVER BEEN MORE SCARED OF A KILLING MACHINE WALKING A PUPPY.
Day was better. Went fairly quick.
Taking the Monday off for the long weekend. Some people are taking Friday as well… If I didn’t have a project kicking off that day I’d do the same.
Kicking off a project on a Friday is a bad idea unless they’re expecting everyone to think about it all weekend and not be in wind down mode that day, it’s even worse to do it this specific weekend with a significant number of people having a 4-5 day weekend. The stakeholders are going to need a refresh on Wednesday, so might as well kick it off Wednesday.
Client insists. They’ve threatened to find another supplier if we don’t do it.
I know it’s going to fail miserably. I’m looking forward to the shit fest.
A little humility would do this client some good.
sky pretty
Goodnight from human and loooong cat ❤️
Long Girl loves you! Look at her belly!!
I went to get a drink of water. The treats are on the next shelf up lol
The treats
arewere on the next shelf upWhat a mischievous kitty!
Finished Coraline and all I can say is wow. Highly recommend if you don’t mind a bit of scary.
Just make sure you don’t sew on the buttons.
Banana chips. Who are the weirdos eating these and why?
But they’re sooooo good! And they’re not even that bad for you - depending on the brand/variety you get.
I mean they’re pretty tasty. I don’t buy them because I eat too many.
I enjoy dehydrated foods now and then. even banana. Try it on pizza
Meal prep for the next couple of days is done. Now I can start on dinner!
At least dinner is a kit so won’t take too much effort. I also made a few extra serves of oats and some burgers for the freezer so I have a head start on a few more future meals too.
Last minute ticket to Thom Yorke…! Holy shit. Let’s go!
Ticketing scum alert for buses around Footscray interchange
Ty for your service