One of his earlier roles was a scene in The X Files, I think he was on screen for 5 minutes tops but I still remember. And everytime I saw him againnI remember he was “the x files guy” until he was indeed Jack Black. Also in The X Files his scene was that he was being killed by Giovanni Ribisi. Very cool to see unknown people go up the ladder
Brian Cranston, Erin Paul, Dean Norris and like half the cast of breaking bad were in xfiles
Brian Cranston was in a lot of stuff. There was a episode of Babylon 5 where he played a ship captain who took one for the team to trick the current enemy.
The episode of x files Drive won him the breaking bad role though. The producers didn’t want Malcolm’s dad, so Vince Gilligan showed them that episode to convince them
They still managed to get a underwear shot or two out of him.
Also, Vince directed some X-Files episodes too. It’s why he casted so many actors that had worked on it.
First time I saw him in something was the 93 classic “airborne”. It’s about a cali surfer kid that moves to the Midwest. Jack black plays one of the high-school bullies that picks on the new surfer kid. It’s a 90s gem
Haven’t thought about that movie in a while…
I knew a guy who looked exactly like him, he was this intelligent, weirdly intense but simultaneously one of the most chill person I’ve known.
I’d go visit him and he’d be mowing his back lawn using a small one handed scythe, most his backyard was grass and he didn’t own any other form of mower, so he’d sit there for half the night on his hands and knees mowing his lawn, he also slept out there in a small tent made out of sticks and some sheets.
Man knew what he wanted in life. A hand cut patch of grass to sleep on.
Looks like Johnny Lee Miller circa Hackers.
Literally thought that’s who it was until I read the caption.
Looks like he’s about to shoot the drill Sargeant
Hardcore band front man
destined to be a disney clown
deleted by creator
He looks like if sid from Toy Story was a real person
Man looks like he can beat the shit out of me if I pick a wrong soccer team to stan.
Imagine this being the face that grows up and gets angry that someone said “don’t miss Trump next time”
I wonder if the 1992 Jack Black would be proud of 2025 Black Jack
I think what makes jack black is that he was proud all along, right from the age of Kickapoo
2 years before he did The Neverending Story part 3. Two parts after that story should have ended unfortunately
As a kid i was like “why is this never ending story 90 minutes?”
They made a deal with the Final Fantasy folks.
Two parts after that story should have ended unfortunately
What’s wrong with NES2?
None of them had the same actor playing the lead role despite them all being the same character. Each one was basically the same story over and over with a few different things sandwiched inside.
The first was the icon. 2 was serviceable. If you were the right age for it, likely a classic just for nostalgia alone. That and the tragic story why the lead actor couldn’t have returned for 3 regardless. The most noteworthy feature of 3 was that Jack Black was in it. For maybe 10 minutes as a bully? One of “the nasties”.
Oh I know why 3 sucks. I only ever found out it existed as an adult, and, yes: Jack Black was the highlight despite being in it for like 5 minutes and he plays a douche. Lol
I guess I was just the right age for having fond memories of 1 and 2, and still enjoy them now. I actually was surprised that there was a 3rd one because I was so into the first two, I find it crazy I never heard there was a 3rd as a kid.
It’s like fighting out about home alone 3. And all the movies after that.
If he lost weight now, I’m sure he’d look the same.
Bones amirite
Why do I feel like the first movie I ever saw jack black in was a drama in which he played a crazy guy, and not a comedy. I have this memory but no idea what it is
He did play a weapon maker in the movie the Jackal. Wouldn’t be his first movie or anything however.
Selectaaar. Run da rydum.
He was great in Biodome
I was thinking Hackers