The original goal of bin laden was to get the US to overreact and waste all their money.
… mission accomplished? Also, the taliban are back in power in afganistan…
The terrorists won when the PATRIOT [sic] Act passed.
Blowback from US funding fundamentalists to destabilize the country
Then counterargument for that point I’ve seen is supposedly he only added that to his plans after it started happening.
I have yet to dig into researching his manifestos/plans to independently verify that.
What he really wanted to do was kick the USA out of the Middle East because he didn’t like how much influence they had over the Saudi royal family.
I mean…
gestures around to everything
They already won. 9/11 was the tipping point where shit started collapsing.
1990s was the peak prosperity of US civilization. From best music to best promise of hope and wealth distribution. 9/11 attacks were the point of the beginning of the end really.
Completely disagree. Modern music is super good. So many crazy talented artists and such a delicious infusion of genres. So good.
If you know anything about the music industry and publishers today it a complete shit show. No I’m not talking about the artists out there, music will always evolve and art will always be expressed however. The industry is fucked and enshittified. Ticketmaster is a scam, concert prices are ridiculous and a scam, the market for artists is only about huge consolidated record publishers, everything is Spotify and subscription now. No the 90s were definitely peak if you’ve lived it and could access music on tapes and CDs and had a Discman. If you haven’t lived it you only have today’s experience and exposure to music. Content on Radio today is also shit. YouTube is the only a forum for independent artists with no chance of airwaves exposure.
I agree. The days of albums and CDs, and record stores. In the 70s we were able to go to concerts and pay for tickets using our baby-sitting money, or our allowances. We saved up for albums. We had to save up, but it was affordable. Now parents are spending thousands of dollars to get their children to concerts. Seriously? WTF??
With the exception of concerts I feel like a lot of the things you listed are irrelevant why listen to the radio which maybe will play something I like when I can listen to shit I know I like on youtube music, why bother with the big record labels when smaller ones may do well enough, hell you dont even need a label if you dont plan on any merch, what relevence is a discman when I can have 500 songs on my phone. We are in a golden age of music, it’s just a lot more indie. I can listen to Tyr, Hulkoff, and Danheim with ease even though in the 90s they’d have been largely restricted to Scandinavia.
Much like with videogames the 90s was a glorious era for music but to act like we are in the dark ages is foolish, the dark ages for music was easily the early to mid 2000s.
Why listen to the radio? I guess that’s what has been lost… there wasn’t instant gratification. It was the thrill of hearing the song we loved.
It isn’t necessarily about instant gratification though, as far back as 8-Track folks have been able to choose what music they listened to which to me suggest that the instant I want to listen to x isn’t the driving factor. My personal money on the downfall of radio is that there are simply better options that fill the same niche, talk radio was replaced by podcasts and radio stations was replaced by setting YouTube to autoplay.
I say this all as someone who plays with and collects old tech, Radios biggest advantage was that it was cheap and wide reaching but was always on a losing battle. The second we were able to standardize a large scale format that could maintain relevence it was in many ways inevitably doomed, we standardized pretty damned well with MP3. My personal hope is that radio gets deregulated and gets absolutely filled with amateur and pirate stations, only radio station I ever like was a pirate station circa 2008 which played whatever folks submitted on his website I wish to see that everywhere.
I’m not interested in talking about the industry.
Everyone says the machines put us in a late 90s Matrix because it was the peak and it keeps the people happy so they can use us as batteries.
But it seems more likely that they put us in the late 90s so we can re-live the downfall of humanity as punishment.
The machines probably wanted us to repeat that booming period in our history on the events leading to the birth of AI through their programming, and hope we would learn to treat them differently. And at the same time they wanted to understand our programming what they couldn’t seem to learn: love. I think it was a compromise that the machines worked out through logic after the war. So they rebooted the Matrix over and over and over until it happened.
Agent Smith’s sentinel program realized the truth about humanity though.
The Industrial Age which began in the late 18th century was seen as a downfall for humanity by various thinkers, writers, and critics at the time. John Stuart Mill raised concerns about the negative impacts of industrialization on society and the environment. He was spot on about the environment. I think he was probably spot on about the downfall of humanity, also.
If you look at suicide rates 1998 was the lowest in history. Like 2 years later Clinton signed a bill consolidating defense contractors down to 5 companies with a guaranteed blank check and a pinky swear they wouldn’t take advantage.
We’ve had war for 25 years straight ever since. It’s crippling us at home and stifling the human species as a whole.
And it was the goal of 9/11
Obviously fake… FBI too busy protecting Tesla dealerships to do anything else.
I said it before what’s the difference between the terrorists hell bent on destroying the US and the Trump administration … Efficiency
Reminds me of this absolute The Onion classic: ‘9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous’ - Al Qaeda
Also this classic Seanbaby article
“Bush’s administration, they’re a…den of jackals” gets me every time
On a mildly interesting note, I have never seen this below.
Ah 2014 Onion. The innocence.
It went just as well as the War on Drugs.
(Hint: Drugs won.)
Proceeds to email everything to an intern at Time Magazine.
The sleeper cells are living up to their name.
This is so weird, I’ve used Google translate on this image several times and keep getting different results for what the ticker says. I’ve gotten:
- It’s time to go on a long-term cruise.
- The truth is that the ship is not under the influence of the wind, and the ship is not under the influence of the wind.
- The last thing I want to do is to go to the bathroom.
- And the noise is not that loud, it …
I also got something about the bottom of the ocean being a layer of sand on top of another layer of sand, but didn’t get a chance to copy it
Wtf is going on here?
It’s just gibberish in Arabic script. The pc they wrote it on doesn’t even support Arabic as the letters don’t join up.
The truth is that the ship is not under the influence of the wind, and the ship is not under the influence of the wind.
Ain’t that the truth.
Lol just ran it again and got:
The truth is that the ship is not covered with a shipwreck, and the ship is not covered with a shipwreck.
It’s perfect. I’m gonna start talking like this.
It’s random letters. The font-rendering is not correct and all the letters are disjoined (whereas Arabic is cursive with different shapes for letter at the start, middle or end of the word).
Arabic also doesn’t write most vowels. So imagine an AI making sense of something that would have just enough vowels to understand if it weren’t for the lack of spaces between the words, with the twist that the letters are actually completely random.
Edit: actually it seems to be actual text rendered backwards
It’s like that “boot to the head” sketch, but with tarrifs instead of boots