Log Cabin leaders have long insisted that their mission is to slowly change the party from the inside, but some researchers have postulated that internalized homophobia may a factor in gay conservatives’ loyalty; a 2023 report from the Williams Institute found that 38% of gay Republicans considered their sexual orientation to be a “personal shortcoming,” and 41% said they would prefer to be straight if they could.
These people are fundamentally broken. Not because they are gay or queer. Because they don’t accept themselves.
Tell them that if they can successfully change the party from the inside, then maybe the dress code can be reconsidered. But until that change happens, don’t wear a hat that represents someone who wants to persecute LGBTQ+ into a LGBTQ+ space.
they don’t accept themselves.
This is a requirement for being a republican if you’re bank account doesn’t have seven zeros.
It present in many forms but lack of acceptance of themselves, their situation and the reality around themselves is a prerequisite for being a republican.
(cw: transphobia, chuddery)
My mom was like this and was even a LCR local party functionary at one point. (She’s MtF trans)
Basically she says that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder (which she has). Also mega-conservative in pretty much every way.
To be fair, dysphoria is a disorder, but it can be treated by changing your gender and being accepted as that gender. It’s just that they hate the treatment.
The main reason I go to Pride festivals these days is to heckle the Log Cabin table. Completely worthless trash.
They aren’t restricting anyone’s political speech (which, as a private business, they are allowed to do anyway), they are not allowing the promotion of a Treasonous Terrorist Hate Group that has specifically targeted their preferred patrons.
They don’t have to allow MAGA Nazis to walk among their patrons wearing their bigotry, any more than a synagogue must allow a Neo-Nazi to walk among their congregation wearing a swastika.
Frankly, the bar should be apologizing to their patrons for not tossing the guy out the instant he walked in. I’ve managed and owned restaurants and other retail establishments, and I’ve never had a problem ejecting idiots who walk in wearing clothes that will piss off my customers. You can wear your Fuck You shirt anywhere in public you want, but you aren’t wearing it in my family restaurant where you will offend my family patrons.
They are restricting political speech and it’s good.
The way liberals have to twist themselves into knots to fight fascism is absurd.
I understand, but I prefer to frame it as their as their political display of ignorance and hate shocks the senses of reasonable, decent, moral people.
I prefer the truth rather than mystification.
Using noble weapons while claiming the weapons are wrong, is hypocrisy and dishonor.
Good. It may be your community, too, but that doesn’t permit you to shit it up by parading your support for a fascist dictator that’s actively malignant and hostile to those in that community… you included.
Do these people really think that the fascists will, out of gratitude for their support, spare them while persecuting the rest of their community? Or do they think they can change the fascists’ minds? Have they ever checked how that has gone, historically?
They think they can change the fascists’ minds. And they share the same sentiments regarding trans people and are ecstatic to throw them to the wolves (i.e. deny them medical care, sentence trans women to rape in men’s prisons, ban them from athletics, bathrooms, gyms, and public life in general, and ultimately push them all to suicide). They are fundamentally broken people. The only thing I hate more than a Republican is an LGBTQ Republican.
They just hate themselves and get off on being yelled at by people they’re attracted to instead of just their parents. They’re fundamentally sick and broken.
They have enough money that they think it will shield them from Republican policies. For the most part, they are actually correct. As stupid and self hating as they are, they are “one of the good ones” to their “friends”, and selling out everyone like them isn’t really a problem for them.
People like to paint Log Cabin Republicans as dumb, but the truth is that they’re actually more evil and selfish.
No MAGAt is part of my community, I don’t care how they identify.
Yeah, seriously. They can fuck right off with that one. They don’t own the community. You get to be a part by contributing. It’s up to the community whether you’re let in or no. Log Cabin morons think they own us already
I’m not LGBTQ+, but a literal safe space free from overt MAGA crap being in your face? Sounds pretty chill…
Everyone’s praising them but I’m sitting here thinking “they’re only now doing this?”
You only have to ban something after people do it. Everyone knows not to wear MAGA gear to a gay club. These Log Cabin assholes just wanted to cause the exact kind of problem they caused.
“the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”
Yep. These Log Cabiners must be real galaxy brains…
That’s literally the definition of cognitive dissonance. And it’s a hallmark of literal brainwashing. Like, for real this is a common tactic in cults. I outta know, for what it’s worth, cause I grew up Mormon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah I’ve heard this quote so much and then when I read this article I suddenly realized the quote is dumb haha. I wonder if these folks were indoctrinated republican from a young age? My guess is probably not all of them.
There is a version of it that isn’t cognitive dissonance but, willful hypocrisy is kinda its own thing. Basically to use one I hold genocide is bad, I would gleefully commit genocide against the Seventh Day Adventists. These are both positions I hold and recognize make me a hypocrite, but frankly speaking I ain’t a fan of organized religions, holier than though types, or folks who piss off my family for a hundred and fifty fucken years. But yeah it can vary in severity of the hypocrisy and severity.
As an aside I mean the destruction of their culture and religion via the destruction of community, mostly at least id probably shoot at least one or two for being annoying but that’s just me being openl murderous. I don’t believe in hiding how much of an asshole I am, if ya know it’s a bear trap don’t complain when it bites you.
Republicanism is incompatible with being a healthy LGBTQ person. Incompatible.
Conservatism is the flawed ideology that inequality is preferable to progress.
MAGA merch is just nazi symbolism. Avoid them, don’t interact aside from giving them a thumbs down if you have too. Avoid their business.
Avoiding them is how you get a Nazi bar.
(Sorry for linking an article about tweets, just skip to the images)
Isn’t that the Badlands nightclub’s right to choose what dress code their patrons have to follow?
It absolutely is, so you and me both INB4 fuckheads suddenly all become Very Concerned about the 1st amendment all of the sudden (butonlywhenitbenefitsthemandscreweveryoneelse).
The dress code is between the customers and the nightclub so the first amendment doesn’t matter here.
Yes, you and I know that. But I predict that all of the soon-to-be conservative legal eagles will studiously avoid that particular truth.
I will accept zero claims regarding the sanctity of free speech from any Conservative who doesn’t feel this is just as horrible as I do:
To be perfectly clear, Ozturk is not accused of breaking the law. The Department of Homeland Security hasn’t bothered to explain its reasoning, but several outlets reported that Ozturk co-authored a student opinion piece urging Tufts to recognize the International Court of Justice’s declaration of a “plausible risk of genocide” unfolding in Gaza and to divest from Israel. You can read the article if you like. It does not mention Hamas.
Well, this is really exactly the point. The fascists in power dearly want to restrict everyone else’s expression, most especially anything that is critical of them or what they’re doing. But they want to be able to espouse whatever odious thing they want without opposition, and want the opportunity to cry “victim” whenever someone calls them out.
This is, like, Totalitarian Fuckery 101.
But don’t you see, it’s different if a business doesn’t want to bake you a cake! /s
I don’t care if you are a coffee shop or a corner store, ban that maga shit from your business!
Maga = hate
massively upset people in the synagogue
Nazi collaborator wearing swastika armband: “what? It’s my synagogue too.”
Let’s go Sacramento! 🌉🌳🍴
Love to see my neighbors giving the fascists the boot.
I don’t understand how can someone who is not a straight white christian male can be conservative. What are you even trying to conserve? You being oppressed?
Especially for new immigrants, it’s often a way to claim social legitimacy/approval by tying yourself to the traditions of your adopted society. “See, I’m one of the good ones!”
They went there to start shit, and they know it. They and their lice can go find a hoedown in Visalia or something.