Respiratory illness activity is elevated or increasing across most areas of the United States, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In total, 15 states plus New York City are experiencing “high” or “very high” levels of respiratory illness activity, defined as people going to the doctor with symptoms from any respiratory disease including flu, COVID, RSV and the common cold.

COVID-19 and flu hospitalizations appear to be trending upward while RSV hospitalizations appear to be to be stable, the data shows.

    9 months ago

    We’re a software dev, all WFH, but we have an office for getting together. Examples:

    Went in one day, few coworkers hanging around, mainly shooting the shit.

    Talking to a manager from a different group I found out 2 important things that I never knew, would have never thought to ask. That kind of organic conversation doesn’t happen on Slack.

    Sitting at my desk, I hear the guys in front of me discussing a thing. “Hey! My team was just talking about that this morning! Can you give us some insight on how that works?” Again, not a thing I would have heard on Slack.

    Can you deny that humans are pack animals? That we benefit from social interaction and die without it? This is Psychology 101.

    Or how about this? What’s more fun: Having a bunch of friends over for a LAN party or playing the same game online at your own homes? Which of those two options provides better collaboration?

    Say 2 people want a thing from me, both things are of exactly equal importance. Who am I helping first? The one I know personally, or the one I’ve only seen on Zoom?

    FFS, y’all can’t even admit there are benefits without going off on an anti-capitalist/anti-CEO rant. Even a statement saying, “Yeah, benefits, nah, not worth it.”, is anathema.

      9 months ago

      Don’t you see how there are other options to literally everything you said here?

      I would spell it all out for you, but I believe you can do it yourself.

      Some people might benefit from it and some might not. There is no absolutes here. And no, not everything is for sure going to be helpful. It’s just annoying to think that going to the office is going to be always helpful and give some sort of benefit. It just isn’t true. For some situations and some people it might be.

      And the whole “humans are pack animals” thing, that’s just stupid. It doesn’t have anything to do with going back to the office. I can have my “pack” as friends and my work as work and these two don’t have to mix together. That’s just annoying.

      9 months ago

      I’m glad you find value in your situation.

      I don’t necessarily share your opinions, as my situations have been entirely different. A majority of the office based jobs I’ve had could have absolutely been fully remote. Hell, I might have kept one or two of them for longer if they were remote.