Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

Yes, the dogs are also communists.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2022


  • The political logic behind green-lighting deep strikes into Russia is also obscure. There is little reason for optimism that such attacks would build pressure on Putin to end the war or drive him to the negotiating table, but there is good reason for concern that they will amplify his claims that Russia is fighting NATO, not the Ukrainian people. There are many examples in history of large-scale bombing campaigns’ galvanizing public resistance, and so far that has proved true with Russia’s own strikes on Ukraine, which have stoked Ukrainian patriotism and anti-Russian attitudes.

    According to an interview with Zelensky, he wants to deploy these weapons just to make Russian life harder so the people revolt against Putin. The problem with that is what is stated in the above quote, if Ukrainian nationalism has been hardened due to the strikes within Ukraine, then the same can be said for the Russian people. If Ukraine did send missiles into Russia I wouldn’t be surprised if the people doubled down harder in their support.

  • Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, promised on Wednesday that there would be no talks between the two countries until Ukraine is completely defeated.

    “The empty chatter of intermediaries that no one had appointed about the wonderful peace is over,” he said on Telegram. “There will be no more negotiations until the complete defeat of the enemy.”

    So this sucks. Ukraine just shot itself in the foot really badly and no one in the west cares. They’d rather see Ukraine destroy itself in the pursuit of destroying Russia rather than surviving the war with realistic peace negotiations. Ukraine was so damn close but now I don’t think it’s possible. Unless what Medvedev says doesn’t affect anything and is just all talk.

    I also didn’t know that India was getting involved in fostering peace but we’ll see how that goes. The article has not said anything about how China is thinking of handling this considering they were on the peace talks train since the beginning, I can’t imagine they’re too thrilled about this development…

  • It’s annoying as a university student as well because we are always lectured heavily on writing directly, not colourfully. We have to state the information outright and a penalized for flowery prose. So seeing this type of writing published just makes me frustrated. They think it adds to the immersion, but it actually does the opposite. I’m here to read an article, not Lord of the Rings. I just want the information, not a short story. It actually makes the article harder to read and get through when it’s focused on “world building” rather than the situation at hand. I wonder if it has to do with the journalists wanting to spin an inspiration narrative about Ukraine, to keep up public support.