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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024

  • Update: They won, but every single party has said they will not work together with Herbert Kickl. Maybe with the FPÖ without him though (they didn’t specifically rule that out), but I doubt the FPÖ will be willing to drop him after getting their best result in history so far (nearly 29%).

    The only possible coalitions without it would be ÖVP (people’s party) + SPÖ (social democratic party) + NEOS (center (economic right (less regulation) else left)) or ÖVP + SPÖ + Green Party.

    Technically ÖVP + SPÖ would also work by a very slim margin (out of 92 needed mandates to form a coalition (183 mandates in total) they’re getting 92 or 93) but wouldn’t hold much power (failing to get a majority if one single mandate doesn’t agree to something) which is why it’s more likely that they also include NEOS or the green party.

  • Damn

    Rothbard opposed egalitarianism and the civil rights movement, and blamed women’s voting and activism for the growth of the welfare state.[24][25][10][11] He promoted historical revisionism and befriended the Holocaust denier Harry Elmer Barnes.[26][27][28] Later in his career, Rothbard advocated a libertarian alliance with paleoconservatism (which he called paleolibertarianism), favoring right-wing populism and describing David Duke and Joseph McCarthy as models for political strategy.[29][30][24][31] In the 2010s, he received renewed attention as an influence on the alt-right.[32][10][33][34]

    Oh and bicycling also wasn’t popular in Europe when my grandfather was young (50s/60s), when you were cycling people thought you were too poor to buy a motorcycle. But mindsets can change, now bicycling is hugely popular both for moving around (especially in cities) and for sports.