They have no moral fortitude. They are not principled or intelligent. Every time they push the envelope there is a collective pause between all right wing media so they can collaborate on talking points before anyone says something off message.
You are being controlled. You are being manipulated. Concede nothing. Do not waste your breath defending democrats. I can gaurentee anytime you may think they have a salient point about “the other side” it will crumble under the slightest scrutiny. Do not waste your time untieing the knots, cut right through to the point that the GOP are not appointed by God and they do not have the countries best interest in mind. That is your center, if your are struggling, go back to center.
I think that’s the biggest problem we’re going to have and where you’ll start to see a serious break in the right’s support for Trump. I work in a public-facing sector, so I have to deal with these morons all day, and part of customer service is not stirring the pot. But in my dealings with said supporters, I’ve brought this up and every single one have them have said they would break support immediately if this were to come to pass. This is an apocalypse level event even for his supporters (if what they have said to me is to be believed).
If it’s attempted, there is no question that there will be civil war.
The republicans in my life have said that about things in the past. When the moment arrives, they hand wave it away and continue make excuses for their man. There is no reason to believe them when they claim to have some standard or line they won’t cross.
He already attempted a coup. They are lying to you.
He could rape their kids live on CSPAN and they’d line up to lick his asshole in gratitude.
That’s why it’s so important to cede nothing to these raging buffoons. Today it is, “[insert democrat] is guilty of ignoring court orders”, a total lie. Tomorrow it is, “I can be president forever because the democrats did it first” or would have done it to or are going to do it. It’s not complicated but understand there is no bottom for Republicans. If the talking heads will defend it, they will too
Look at even now they are falling back on their george soros rhetoric when elon musk is everything they claimed soros to be and more.
Don’t fight fire with fire. Fight fire with bricks. Be a brick wall and anytime they come at you with their think tank conceived bullshit you have to stop it in it’s tracks. Trump is not god and he does not have the best interests of the country in mind.
It’s a cult, they honestly believe trump is infallible. They will give him the benefit of every doubt and if he happens to nuke America’s greatest allies that was just a whoopsie daisy and there is no doubt a democrat was behind it all along.
I don’t think there would be a civil war, people are too passive about who is president, even if it’s a third term. Now, if they tried to take guns away from people? That would rile up the masses.
The last major gun control was passed by Reagan as CA governor in response to black panther armed marches.
Trump has said “we’re going to take the firearms first then go to court.” NRA does not care and neither do the rest of the Rs.
lol civil war, keep dreaming.
We’re sheep
I hope they do allow for third terms, because then Obama would run again and beat his ass like a Cherokee drum. That’d be so glorious.
Their amendment’s wording is specifically designed to deny Obama a third term. It was something along the lines of “any president who has served two non-consecutive terms can run for a third term” which would pretty much only qualify him and not Obama or Dubya.
Of course. Well that just means that riots in the streets would be the next step if that passes.
Riots in the streets should already be happening now. What happens if that passes should be a significant escalation from that.
That would certainly start a conversation.
Just vote bro. It’s that simple.