I don’t know what to do with this information
Man, the number of places pornhub has pulled out of (hehehe) is nuts. Georgia is the only surprise on here, since Louisiana has some government program there using to stay live.
is nuts
They’re like the Luxottica of porn, hundreds of brands all owned by one place. Even if pornhub left, the vast majority of all their other sites are still available in any given state.
Oh sure, now that I’ve left Indiana, suddenly being queer is a good thing…
That says queef.
I may not be wearing my glasses and I may have had some wine.
Hope it’s a good wine, that sounds lovely
It was worth the low price I paid, so yes. Thank you.
id prefer it said queer, queen, queesy or queso over queef.
queso over queef
I feel like we should stop combining them into sentences or else porn will be made.
and I don’t want that.
not today…
So you know, searching Pornhub for queso gets you videos with cheese in the title.
I needed to check. For science.
I was like “wow no incest shit!”, but then I realized most of the southern states are blocked now.
I’m so proud of you, Ohio.
Has anyone checked in on Louisiana recently?
Alaska? What’s occurring?
Hell yeah I actually did fap to my states porn last night
U from colorado?
Please don’t say Alaska.
Oh no, we have a double-negative situation here.
when compared to others
Holy shit like half the country is missing. Fucking nanny state horseshit
I’m surprised Indiana is on there, unless people are submitting their IDs. I personally get my porn fix from a nice young man on an electric scooter every Thursday.
The contrast between Wyoming and Colorado made me burst out laughing:
Hawaii and Nevada should date ❤️
And turn into New Hampshire and New Mexico someday
What’s up with Alaska?
Wyoming really needs some emotional help
Meanwhile, Louisiana… 👀
Not sure if self or not.
So does N Dakota
And Ohio
I don’t understand why they would be different. Why does the state line dictate what kink a population is into?
“Top relative” probably means the search term which is the highest relative to other states, so them being different is built into the concept.
Makes sense. It’s not very interesting if every state was “trans pegging”.
This map is useless without a p value. This could all be random noise.
Yeah. IDK what is meant by a P value but I agree that I suspect the methodology used to create this is designed to make the data more interesting than it really is.
As in, how much more frequently is “enema” searched for in Alaska than elsewhere, and are there more vanilla terms like “college” which occur more frequently in Alaska than elsewhere.
We also need pp, v, b and a values.
These maps are no longer useful with so many millions vpn into other states. Pornhub maps list their charm. Rip pornhub maps 2025.