Elon knows millions of Americans hate him and are coming for him so he wants every single super-villain free to team up together.
No. He wants a racial war and Chauvin walking free is a surefire way to start one.
This whole thing is giving Manson Family
If Trump pardons him he still has 20+years of state sentence to finish, this is a distraction….
They are about to do the biggest grift ever with the tax cuts for the rich.
All of this is a distraction
Yup, same with the tariffs. Drop the stock market by two percent and as the richest person in the world you’ve just invested billions
Couldn’t he only be pardoned for the federal level conviction and not the state? Looking at his Wikipedia article, he has a 21 year fed sentence and a 22.5 state.
But yeah, this is a way to force violent protests and eventually martial law.
IIRC, Chauvin made the plea deal on federal charges so that he would do his time in the relative safety of a federal prison.
Which would mean that if he gets pardoned on federal charges, then he would have to serve out his remaining state time in a state pen… the very thing he wanted to avoid. He would probably be dead in under a month unless he spent the next decade or more in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day (like he did in his pre-trial detention).
Which would be a crying shame, of course…
Maybe it won’t be protests this time and just 30,000 people turning his body into something that doesn’t resemble a human.
They just want to cause riots. Trump and Elon are agitators.
This. I’m convinced at this point they’re attempting to instigate riots so they can declare material law and seize full control over the US government.
I know it a typo, but declaring it, would be the last step of making material law the ultimate authority. Taking Capitalist Fromm late stage to endgame.
I agree. This is just intended to cause civil unrest to distract from everything else they’re doing to tear America apart.
But also, Musk is a Nazi.
That implies either of them have any intelligence.
No, but they’ve got people working for them that you never hear about that do
They are the clowns of the circus. Half the US is trying to figure out who the ring master of the circus is … instead of looking for the guy who owns it.
They’re trying to Reichstag fire up their own Reichstag fire. Martial law in America as a toe dip for their invasion of Canada.
Presidential pardons are one of the dumbest powers. Change my mind.
(Plenty of more stable countries get on fine without it, and don’t have to deal with this nonsense to boot)
People lose their shit over jury nullification, yet somehow pardons are A-OK
Pardons should not be a thing, in my lifetime its pretty much only been used for scummy shit.
Shout outs to pardoning Ross Ulbricht, while blaming Canada for fent
Didn’t Biden pardon everyone who was arrested for marijuana possession?
Chelsea Manning tho. Only non-scummy instance I can think of right now
I find it funny how people on the right want the cop who shot that lady during the Jan 6 riot to be punished, yet think Chauvin was in the right…like how can you be so stupid…then again they probably don’t care the cop shot her they care cuz he’s black.
One cop shot a minority. One cop shot a Republican. To them one one of the victims is considered human. Take a guess as to which.
I kind of wish Chauvin shot Floyd instead of the TORTURE he put that man through. Slowly choking the life out of him as he begged for his life.
I think the ultimate goal is martial law, and I think he is unconcerned about what triggers his ability to declare it.
This is the sleight of hand they want you paying attention to. Instead, keep an eye on the other hand;
Because that is the one doing the damage.
The real trick is the fact that both of these do damage, and you can’t afford to ignore either.
Signaling to the police that the executive branch has your back and will support you when you kill poor black men is going to get people straight up murdered.
He also has people’s back when they murder/injure police. So, if you’re a cop, do not take it as a show of support.
Only has your back if you are harming people they don’t like
It kinda feels like both hands are doing a lot of damage…
true, but also, there’s a point that laws don’t really exist anymore. it’s just gang shit. the cops are the gang that want to kill you rather than make a profit off you. there is no legitimacy, there is no reason to respect or obey them, and in fact they will kill you if you do.
Luigi 24:12
Elon trying to use this to distract from all the federal firings he’s done
elon can fuck right off with this bullshit
Gotta throw red meat to the racist AF base to distract from how fElon and his Incel Clown Posse is stealing from the American people…
Literally Orcs.
“But of those hapless who were snared by Melkor little is known of a certainty. […] Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressëa: that all those of the Quendi that came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty and wickedness were corrupted and enslaved. Thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orkor in envy and mockery of the Eldar, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes. For the Orkor had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance thereof, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise. And deep in their dark hearts the Orkor loathed the Master whom they served in fear, the maker only of their misery. This maybe was the vilest deed of Melkor and the most hateful to Eru”
The fact that Elon Musk is for pardoning someone who murdered an innocent person speaks volumes. Also, I can’t see how this wouldn’t lead to riots.
They want riots so they have a reason to put troops on the streets and “come down hard” to please their base.
Why haven’t there already been riots? Of all the reasons to start widespread riots, hasn’t the last 2 months given enough of them?
Americans are capable of riots, but it seems to require so marination before some trigger event happens on their soil that causes emotions to suddenly spark.
Almost like he’s trying to flick the bic
The tech oligarchy as a tight grip on the population. They control the narrative.
They reeaally doing anything they can to get that martial law step started from their project 2025 handbook
Why not give Zimmerman a Presidential Medal of Freedom while you’re at it?
Ever see the south park episode on that?
Actually, no haha
They treat him like a specialist in “what he does” who’s trying to escape his past. Painful looking at state of affairs.
Elon’s brain got damaged by ketamine usage. At his level of power and wealth, he basically runs the planet and the drugs embolden him to shamelessly call for whatever shits he believes
He’s basically Baron Harkonnen with a broken dick.
Yeah, but the drugs didn’t make him a racist