I wonder what they are hiding.
They’re hiding his political motive so they have an excuse to not charge their violent extremist buddy with terrorism.
Probably his intent to kill, which is not part of the charges.
Wonder how many cheeseburgers they bought him, too.
The statement was a take out order.
what a sad, pathetic loser.
Willing to kill people because he “Stands with” a car brand.
Hope he gets put away for a very long time.
He might get a pardon.
Driving into a mob sounds like a good way to be violently stomped to death by any survivors in said mob.
Jokes on them the door handle broke weeks ago. No getting inside this with the windows up.
Also not getting out if a fire would to break out.
🤔 interesting…
Wierd like what dog does he have on this race?
He has pent up emotional trauma that he has refused to work through with a therapist like a normal human being.
Thus he sees inflicting human suffering as a viable alternative to working through those issues. Because that was he can feel better knowing others are worse off.
That’s the dog. Should it be in the race? Nah. But some cucklefucks just refuse to act like normal human beings. Maybe a therapist isn’t alpha male enough or some shit? But for one reason or another they just refuse to address their mental trauma like normal people.
Identity politics. They see an attack against a conservative brand as an attack against themselves.
It’s about oppression. He feels justified to oppress those he disagrees with because they did it to him (they didn’t but he believes it).
All you had to say was “Florida man” and I’m like “yup that’s the problem”
deleted by creator
Why are the crazies on the right always violent?
Violence is an intrinsic part of fascism. It is the inevitable consequence of “might makes right”. Be prepared for a lot more violence. Probably on both sides.
Brown shirts are unofficially part of the administration. This is going to get a lot worse if we don’t figure out how to de-escalate
if we don’t figure out how to de-escalate
That’s the crux of the issue. The only way to deescalate against a “might makes right” approach is to match violence with violence. Rolling over and “taking the high road” will just end up with the violent people continuing to be violent because they didn’t have any consequences the last time. “De-escalating” can’t be done by giving the bully your lunch money, because they’ll just be back again tomorrow.
You at least need to make yourself an unattractive target, so they’re likely to go bother someone else instead. Even if you don’t totally stop the behavior, you at least need to send a strong “if you fuck with me specifically you will have problems” signal. Even if you don’t stop the bully, you at least ensure that you’re not the target.
That’s a large part of why the Black Panthers got started. People realized that peaceful unarmed protests would get violently busted by the cops. In contrast, peaceful heavily armed protests would have cops politely watching from across the street.
Yeah I agree. I’m just trying to not be accused of “calling for violence” in my public lemmy posts lol
Driving into protesters is essentially legal in Florida per the Riot Bill if I recall. They made caveats to it like they have to be obstructing the road, as if that makes it much better. https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1/?Tab=BillHistory
Did he yell “they’re coming right for us!” First?
He drove up on the sidewalk.
Were they obstructing the sidewalk? I could see Florida Lawyer making a case from that.
what is a sidewalk but a road for filthy poors and peasants to do their un-christian walking on?
To traffic? A normal pedestrian is “obstructing” the sidewalk to a car. Vehicles have no right of way there!
No, not to vehicles, to pedestrians. The IRONIC point being made was, even that would be sufficient.
They probably had a permit from the police so the answer is most likely no. Can’t really argue that they’re “obstructing” the sidewalk when you gave them permission to be there. That would hold up on Fox News but not in a courtroom.
Thinks he’s doing god’s work no doubt…/S
THIS is terrorism.
Pam Bondi has redefined the word to mean anything against Trump or Elon, unfortunately.
Behold the lumpenmagatariat.
He looks like the kind of asshole that yells at his family in public.
Andrew Dutil’s home and vehicles can be considered honorary Teslas
His Nissan SUV identifies as a Tesla…
But this guy is a complete idiot, he went in and told employees he “stands with Tesla” and then left.
So it’s going to be really hard to argue he was there for any other reason than surpress protestors first amendment rights.
It’s Florida tho, so who knows what will happen
he went in and told employees he “stands with Tesla” and then left.
“Oh fantastic sir! Can we interest you in a new Cybertruck to replace your Nissan?”
“Ew, gross. no! What I mean by ‘I stand with you’ is that ‘your CEO is hurting people I want hurt’. No way am I driving an EV.”
The are also no Nissans that approach the cost of a Tesla SUV or cuck.
Shoulda said no Nissan SUVs. But touché.
Stands with Tesla.
Drives a Nissan.
These are the kinds of people that support billionaires whilst living paycheck to paycheck. Aka Republican voters.
The report states that Dutil got out of the vehicle and then walked into the dealership. An employee told deputies that Dutil told workers there that he “stands with Tesla” and then “walked out.”
A statement Dutil made to deputies was redacted from the arrest report.
That seems pretty unusual for a sherrif’s office.