I think we can find solace in the idea that space is so unimaginably gigantic that the distance between us and anything else like us is way too vast for any vehicle to traverse in any “reasonable” time.
I personally think it’s practically impossible for there to not be something else intelligent out there, I just don’t think they’re even remotely close enough to ever even detect us or us detect them.
In every bit of fiction with “hostile” aliens, the aliens were quite blatantly a stand-in for humanity itself. Most of them focus on one or two specific negative human traits or aspects, but their motivations are almost always very human.
I kinda hope we are in some ways, mainly because I’d hate to inflict us on others.
Is it really something to be worried about?
Scifi aside, inter-stellar space travel seems to be basically almost non-viable.
Darn space dust!
I think we can find solace in the idea that space is so unimaginably gigantic that the distance between us and anything else like us is way too vast for any vehicle to traverse in any “reasonable” time.
I personally think it’s practically impossible for there to not be something else intelligent out there, I just don’t think they’re even remotely close enough to ever even detect us or us detect them.
To be fair, the universe is also so old as to allow quite a bit of it to have reached us by now even limited to “unreasonable” timeframes.
But also so old that it could have reached us before humans ever evolved.
In every bit of fiction with “hostile” aliens, the aliens were quite blatantly a stand-in for humanity itself. Most of them focus on one or two specific negative human traits or aspects, but their motivations are almost always very human.
I’d hate to inflict you on others