Just FYI if your package is “discrete” your delivery person is “discretely” laughing at you
I think its a dick move.
Your mom been on Amazon again?
“Pull forward after fueling or get shot”?
… nobody came forward to say that the image is in fact photoshopped? It’s part of the joke. It’s from a facebook group that does these things.
Station owner sounds like a fake tough guy who cries about DEI.
Definitely a fake tough guy, but not in the way you meant. The whole image is fake.
So a standard Trump supporter?
Maybe, but not based on the sign. That’s a standard trucker joke about waiting for pumps.
Sure, he’s like that on the surface, but I bet his station is willing to accept huge, suggestively shaped loads, if you know what I mean.
I’m just imagining some trucker who didn’t see the sign walking into the store to buy some snacks
It isn’t the owner going to be doing the shooting. It’s the guy stuck waiting behind an empty truck. That’s the joke.
If you say so, and obviously that trucker couldn’t shoot the guy walking out with snacks.
That’s impossible.
deleted by creator
Of course it’s a joke.
The jokes you tell are a window into your personality and this one looks rotten.
The ability to make a silly dumb joke about a minor occupational annoyance is a window into being able to laugh at yourself. Your inability to look at someone making a silly joke without making political condemnations about their character says more about you than about them.
Death threats aren’t funny. Grow up.
Tongue in cheek threats are in fact funny to a tremendous number of people since time immemorial. I’m sorry you don’t approve of the way some people enjoy being silly.
Y’know the cheese shop sketch? The famous monty python sketch where John Cleese ends it with shooting the cheese shop owner for wasting his time? Basically the same joke, famously funny sketch. You just have opinions about “this type of person”
Oh wow, comparing some rundown shithole “you’ll be shot” sign to Monty Python. totally the same thing. one’s a legendary, meticulously written comedy sketch, and the other is just some backwoods inbred clown thinking threats are peak humor. But sure, those fragile pieces of shit that open carry in an Applebees to feel manly, probably also love Monty python, what do I know.
Also satire is lost on this as this situation has probably actually happened in America plenty of times and it’s now reality.
It’s an attempt at a joke, jokes are supposed to be funny
Probably flu shot, maybe Covid booster?
“Sorry, my cock is too big for that”
It’s a joke about truckers that fuel and then fuck around while the guy behind them is fuming with impatience. LOL, I’ve been that guy.
Besides, truckers are on more of a schedule than the rest of us tooling around.
Thank you! This makes the most sense. I was wondering what was wrong with “please pull forward when done fueling” without threatening violence. A common annoyance plus and inside joke makes a lot more sense.
even if your arent a trucker its so annoying when someone fills thier gas then walks off into the store to buy a snack, like just go park in front of the store. one time the gas station clerk came to tell one guy to move his car because he was just there working on it with the hood open after he got gas, the dude got so mad he jumped in his car and sped off, which was great for us that were waiting for an open spot
Do you pull away before paying normally? Would the clerk still know which bill is yours then?
They don’t let you pump before you pay here and usually the pump has a card reader on it so I never go inside unless I need to use the restroom or something
Ah, I forgot that was how they did in some places. It does seem rather disrespectful to park there then.
Guessing Texas
No, they said discrete. Each mammoth dildo is individually wrapped.
Ah, -screte/-screet. Motherfucker.
That’s just the latest Bezos rocket under wraps. The final version will achieve perfect penis proportions for getting deep into space.
assuming it doesn’t just blow its load all over the Caribbean
BREAKING: “Dr.Evil is suing Jeff Bezos for IP infringement. Dr.Evil gives statement on the matter. - “What’s next freaking lasers on freaking sharks!?”” More at 11pm.
Dr. Evil demands compensation of
Jeff Bezos is just Dr. Evil without the education.
Frau Farbissina > Lauren Sánchez
Is it legal to shot someone after you post a sign?
yep, double tap recommended at a gas station
That’s contraband in the state of Texas.
If you’re using a toy that big, the neighbors and the police already know what’s going on
Responding for a friend
What does LPT stand for?
Life Pro Tip.
“It’s a twenty-foot cock and balls man. It don’t look like nothing else.”
It’s the dildo of consequence heading for D.C. I hope it gets there soon.
Hopefully unlubed.
The dildo of consequence ALWAYS arrives un-lubed.
What is it actually? Is it some price of industrial equipment that just happens to look like a Johnson? Or is it part of a parade float or something?
What is that thing in the sky? It looks like a huge…
Yes sir?
Woody? Woody Harrelson?
Get on the horn to British Intelligence and let them know about this
Dick! take a look out of starboard. My God! It looks like a huge…
I appreciate the effort but i kinda hope that the satanic temple or someone is up to some epic trolling instead
I wonder if this is Nevada, where you see them transporting military equipment on trucks all the time. Like missiles and bombs. Wondering if someone got creative with the covering.
Paging Dr. Evil.
I hope your mom is enjoying her new dildo.
That’s actually the return trip to Wish.com. Those pictures always overpromise, she didn’t expect the miniature version.
Maybe it’s Nicole’s.