United Airlines apologized to Melissa Sotomayor after crew members tried to make her remove her son’s ventilator during a March 8 flight from Tampa to Newark.
Sotomayor, whose 2-year-old son relies on a ventilator and tracheostomy tube, said staff demanded the equipment be stowed for takeoff despite prior medical clearance.
A third flight attendant claimed the child would “be OK” without it. The captain called her “difficult” and said the equipment was a safety risk.
Sotomayor expressed feeling humiliated and vowed never to fly United again.
United said it has contacted Sotomayor “to address her concerns…”
Yes because obviously it was “her concerns” that was the problem!!!
Fucking spin talk, turning everything upside down!
It’s disgusting.The “concerns” could well be a letter from her lawyers.
Then they wrote her lawyers, not her.
It doesn’t change the level of corp speak IMO.
Never apologize, always use passive voice. Gross.
That’s not passive voice. Passive voice would be “to ensure her concerns will be addressed”.
“apologized for any frustration she may have experienced.”
“May have experienced” is passive voice and the totality of the sentence is not an apology. The passive portion places the weight on the interpretation of her experience rather than explicitly believing her. “May have” helps to express the uncertainty or speculation of the event.
sounds about like the service I’d expect from a united flight.
United and American airlines have the worst corporate policies
But they’re not the worst airlines overall.
You need to come to … Canada? Is that right? Apparently so.
Oh, the airline that kicked out the doctor?
It’s already on my no-fly-list
The one that also breaks guitars, yes.
Reading this just after reading about that guy getting pulled out of that lavatory with his dick out by a united pilot lol. Is being a piece of shit a requirement to get hired by united
A piece of shit? One could go to prison in my country for doing something like this
Do you put non-pieces of shit in prison in your country or are you just criticizing them for using a synonym?
Everyone who isn’t a prick chooses work at other airlines.
The number of issues United has is indicative of severe cultural issues within the company. Toxic work culture drives good, compassionate employees away and leaves only the people who thrive in toxic environments.
She was then approached by another flight attendant who told her that their seats might have to be moved if she didn’t comply, Sotomayor said.
This stuck out to me.
There’s only one place in the passenger compartment of a plane I know has specific rules for sitting there: the wing exit row
Having sat in the exit row before, I know the flight crew is very unforgiving for items that may block transit of passengers should the need to get off the plane present itself. This may be backed up with another statement in the article:
Sotomayor said that before their flight, she obtained documentation so her son could fly to their destination. They did not encounter problems on the first leg — the trip to Tampa.
Were they not in an exit row on that flight, and therefor it wasn’t an issue?
It sounds like Sotomayor did everything correctly with her prep before flying. Assuming all the statements in the article are factual and my exit row theory is correct, someone at United screwed up approving an exit row seat for her and her son’s return flight, and that dropped the problem in the laps of the United flight crew that has to comply with FAA regulations.
It could have been a bulkhead seat, too. That’s the only other place where there are stricter regulations.
Yes. United’s reservation agents screwed up big time. The lady did everything she was supposed to. The crew could have solved this simply by asking for volunteers to exchange seats. Instead, they assumed that they knew more about the kid’s’condition than his mother did.
It could have been a bulkhead seat, too. That’s the only other place where there are stricter regulations.
I didn’t know that about bulkhead seats. I think you’re right then, the article mentions something about that:
" the representative said the flight attendants reported it was a “bulk head seating problem,” "
So it does sound like this isn’t the flight crew being assholes, but rather the booking approver put then in a place the FAA won’t allow them to fly. If Sotomayor her first flight in a bulkhead as well, this is lose-lose for United. They either flouted the FAA rules on the first flight or created a combative situation on the second flight by trying to follow the FAA rules.
The flight crew were still being assholes, though. They could have handled it differently than not believing the woman when she asserted that her son needed the equipment, and produced the proper paperwork.
I fly a lot and know that many planes these days are full, but they absolutely could have reseated them without getting confrontational with the woman. Simply asking for volunteers, and saying “we can’t take off until this happens”, will get results.
when she asserted that her son needed the equipment, and produced the proper paperwork.
We don’t know the paperwork United provided was proper. I believe Sotomayor did everything properly, however. This could have been part of United’s first screw up. If the United booking agent didn’t indicate the equipment was needed full time for life, it may have been put in the same category as a CPAP machine, as in not needed in use on the flight.
I fly a lot and know that many planes these days are full, but they absolutely could have reseated them without getting confrontational with the woman.
The article talked about the United staff talking about re-seating her. Did she refuse it? Was that not in the video?
I don’t think the “edit row” theory is correct as they wouldn’t allow a child to sit there regardless of whether they’re using a ventilator or not.
2 year olds can’t be in an exit row to begin with, regardless of medical equipment
Well, what if they can command the exit door and help other passengers exit in an orderly manner? It would be a very tall and strong toddler.
They have to be able to legally enter into a verbal contract accepting liability in the event of an emergency. So not even Benjamin Button would be allowed.
Actually, the crew should have taken one look when her kid was pre-boarded with that equipment and politely changed them to seats where it could be used safely, before they got all settled and before boarding the rest of the plane.
I haven’t had the need to use pre-boarding before, but usually I see flight attendants pretty busy with tasks as passengers are boarding.
I think we both agree the original screw up is the United Reservation folks that approved these passengers for seats they couldn’t be eligible for because of the needed equipment. Its also possible that United Reservation folks may not have marked the paperwork that the equipment was required for the kid to live. So the flight crew may have thought the mom was trying to leverage the situation to get behavior she didn’t need. I still maintain the mom did all the prep work properly and this was a fault on United.
I’ve used pre-boarding a lot, because my husband is quadriplegic, and especially when we also had two small children. There was always at least an offer of assistance from the crew, although I did the lifting and transferring and wheelchair-stowing myself. But it’s been a lot of years since we’ve flown at all, because planes have become even more inaccessible. They’re exempt from the ADA so it’s hard to change anything.
Thats good info. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Exactly. It shouldn’t have even been an issue, because the crew is supposed to make sure the passengers sitting in the exit rows are able and willing to actually pop the hatches open in the event of an evacuation.
During an evacuation, plane rows are too crowded for attendants to be able to get to the doors and open them. Know how you’re stuck in the plane waiting for everyone to de-board after the flight? Attendants have to deal with that when evacuating. So the passengers need to be the ones to actually pop the hatches and start clearing the plane.
Let’s not forget the time a United flight was overbooked and picked a random guy to take off the plane even though he was already in his seat. He refused and the passenger was beaten unconscious and dragged out on his back
He was a physician seeing patients the next morning, so he was the worst person to try and force to take another flight
The people responsible for doing that should be in prison or dead.
In prison, yes
Dead? No.
Let’s not get down to their level and lose our ethicsStochastic tyranny. No single piece of the machine is particularly responsible for the horrific result.
Your representative (AKA you) allow airlines to overbook.
100% of the passengers make the flight, none take the buyout or bump.
Airlines throw someone off at random, calling the cops because it’s now legally a criminal trespass.
Every single snowflake in the equation feels they are not responsible for the avalanche.
Just following orders is not a valid excuse. That was established around eighty years ago.
Whose orders are you following when you sit home and don’t pressure your legislature to change the law?
The fact that the law exists tells you that the legislature never cared about our opinions at any point. Anyone who does and runs for office is scuttled by the major parties to ensure we don’t get that choice.
Ah okay, just give up and let people who haven’t given up run our country then. Brilliant, let me know how that goes for you.
Actually, you’re worse than OP because you were aware that was an option and yet nothing has changed.
Yep, I’m including myself in my condemnation of people who haven’t stopped this kind of thing. Did my writing imply otherwise?
It’s not going to be legislation that takes us off of the current path.
Are we talking about MAGA or people getting arrested for not cooperating with airline overbooking?
Seems like you’re trying to steer the conversation towards the MAGA problem, which is wasted on me because I agree with you, not to mention not relevant to this conversation.
You come to this comment section where people are talking about United Airlines trying to remove a kids ventilator and you make a personal attack on someone implying they’re lazy for not being more politically active.
Then, when someone does make a political reference, you tell them it’s not relevant to the current conversation lol. Your comments are insanely standoff-ish and I’m fairly sure you’re just trolling but on the off chance you are actually like that you may want to consider trying to be more personable if you actually want to get your points across.
Overbooking, essentially breaking the contract, and having the police beat a nonviolent doctor unconscious is big money fucking that individual over and the government is complicit. If you think that only voting is going to bring about all the change that would be needed to stop that behavior, please look at the bigger picture.
A 5 gallon bucket can carry 5 gallons of water. It is also capable of carrying 5 gallons of bleach. Just because those two things are true it does not mean bleach == water. I didn’t mention those idiots.
Just to be clear to anyone reading this, please vote. Please vote in your local elections. I just don’t think voting alone is going to change violent behavior from big corps. History has shown us how fast companies can take power, and how they can rival or exceed the cruelty of Nazi Germany, look at many of the large trading companies back in the day. They did horrific, horrific shit. Look at all the examples of the terrible shit companies pull today. Companies have committed genocides, we just remember them differently than the Nazis because they lost the war and all their PR people. But companies have more PR people than ever.
Just like “backlash” for United beating that doctor didn’t change shit, you can vote, but United will pay the politicians.
So yeah I stand by that comment, and its relevance to the comment thread something else is needed to change the course, but we still need to keep voting.
Everyone keeps flying on United despite a million stories happening to “other people” but it won’t happen to them. Fucking honestly I’m running out of sympathy for people who give their money to profoundly shitty companies and then are shocked when they’re treated badly.
Until you start up a “nice” airline and get the infrastructure going, maybe try to maintain a little of that precious sympathy for those of us with no other fucking choice.
I would like to say it’s due to empathy… But I stopped flying United just because it’s objectively the worst airline. Planes are cramped, tickets are expensive, cancellations have been an issue, treatment is atrocious. It’s shouldn’t be hard to vote with your wallet when literally any alternative is better
I just was posting in a thread about boycotts, and mentioned how most shitty companies that are being called for boycotts are companies I started boycotting long ago, and my example was United.
I’ve already been boycotting them for years, for destroying guitars, and beating their passengers unconscious, or just offering the highest prices for the worst service, which is the main reason I avoid them. I just want to get to another airport, and Im happy with doing it the cheapeat way, as long as they don’t destroy my guitar or beat me senseless.
Did one or both of those things happen to you on a United flight? Was it the same flight? Did they break your guitar over you? Did you discover your guitar was broken and went to complain and the dude behind the counter just started beating the shit out of you?
I’m locked in and would love the context.
Ah, I had not heard about these. Thanks for the links!
Is there an airline we shouldn’t be boycotting?
Non-North America based if possible, Air Alaska group if not IMO, Southwest used to be a decent option but not since the hedge fund took over. Might be other choices if you’re East Coast based. Might be CA options better than Air Canada that I’m unfamiliar with too.
That’s completely unrealistic for US based people. All we have are asshole companies.
I live in NA. There are no other options. Occasionally there is an Air Alaska flight.
You can fly out of Florida, but you can’t leave the insanity behind.
I love all the medical degrees they give their flight staff.
They give them so many, that they feel comfortable physically dragging passengers with medical degrees off of their flights.
I thought it was to teach them proper dragging techniques.
Only RuPaul can do that.
United breaks guitars.
Why is it always United.
Except for when it’s Southwest or Spirit.
Ask the media. All airlines do this shit.
So if she complied and her kid died, that’s negligent manslaughter, right? I wonder if she’d sue the flight crew, or the airline.
Seeing how it was Florida, they would probably arrest her for infanticide and give a medal to the flight crew for trying to save the kids life or some bullshit.
Seriously, fuck that entire godforsaken state.
A third flight attendant claimed the child would “be OK” without it.
This person was almost certainly practicing medicine without a license
“I saw it on the internet, try doing some research”
All of the above, and probably the airport, TSA, and anyone else with deep pockets.
She should sue them all anyway.
In her video, Sotomayor said a third flight attendant told her to remove the equipment and said her son would “be OK until we’re in the air at a high enough altitude.”
Are they backed by medical degrees or something that they feel they can make these assertions?
When my son was in kindergarten, he was temptoarily on medication for an illness he was getting over, and I went to the school and filled out all the paperwork, and showed the nurse the dosage, etc.
When the nurse went to give him the medication, the teacher told the nurse he was fine, and didn’t need it, and the nurse left without administering the medication. When I picked him up from school, he was wheezing and really needed his medicine.
I wrote a very angry email, demanding to know what medical school his tescher had gone to, that she felt she could overrule his pediatrician’s medical orders, and what about that nurse, who should have said “I’m not asking for your permission, I’m TELLING you that it’s time for his medication.”
Of course, I threatened to consult with a lawyer, and the next day, the teacher was out on maternity leave. She was supposed to start in a month, but apparently the principal decided that it should start immediately.
I wondered if it was because of my email, but when she returned at the end of the year for kindergarten graduation (thats a thing these days), carrying her baby, nobody would talk to her or even compliment her baby. One mother sat with her back to her, arms crossed, clearly angry. I guess we werent the only parents she pissed off, we were probably just the last straw, being a medical issue with legal threats.
She did not return to teach the following year.
I’m getting that, teacher from the movie “Interstellar” vibes.