🥞 Happy Pancake Day 🥞
Good news. My husband managed to talk to the neighbour and apparently they are renting. Got the details now. Still no sign of the wife. I think she might be in the freezer.
My complaint about the heat is being up all night pissing after smashing water all day.
Miss Meow is “helping” with the sewing
Such a helpful girl!
Despite a brief stormy interlude without power and the "assistance "of Miss Meow I have finished today’s sewing project.
The curtain is for the doorway to my laundry, which is uninsulated and draughty and has just been closed off by an old blanket tacked in the opening for some years. At one stage it had a sliding door, but because there is not enough space next to the door to allow it to fully open it always partially blocked the doorway, and there is not really room for a hinged door there either. So a curtain seems the best solution, and also allows Mr Woof free access to the laundry, which is where his dog door is. The new curtain is thick woven fabric with a thermal lining so should keep the heat/cold out fairly well. It needs some weights in the bottom to sit more evenly, but I think I’ve done enough for one day.
I like it, especially the pelmet bit. You’re really quite handy aren’t you, with the gardening and preserving and making things… great skills to have. If the world goes to hell in a haycart I really hope there’s a place for you to subsist and live a simple but rewardingly self sufficient life. I’ll be on the outside with my machete and hunting knife at the ready, keeping to the shadows to avoid the petrol hunting raider gangs and zombie hoards.
Cut a hole at the right height and you’ve got yourself a gloryhole too. Great work.
I wish I could open a window without having to stand guard so someone doesn’t hang from the flyscreen and destroy it.
Not naming names.
Does it start with a G and end with ibsonfluffybutt?
It does
Power is out, south and chesty flooded and no traffic lights, nbn is down, and i saw a cactus fly past at head height.
The end times are nigh. Flying cacti is a bit of a hint in that direction.
Cacti are deffo part of the sixth seal. Sun goes black, the moon turns red, stars fall to earth and cacti take to the air
I would urge you to duck…
But my advice for ducks is to be a duck.
This is very confusing.
Meanwhile all good on Kingston Rd from the Dingley bypass and around Centre Dande and Warrigal.
Melbourne enabled dark mode and I’m into it.
Me: gee Melbourne I’d love some stable and predictable weather.
Melbourne: Request declined.
Unsupported feature.
Cannot handle the idea of sleeping tonight without a fan running
yup, my power went out
Today was an awful day to be running around the CBD. Despite staying indoors as much as possible, all the sun protection and water, I’ve been thoroughly dessicated in this roasting heat and attacked in the face by aggressive mini tornadoes of dried leaves. I’m so over it.
Plus side is, the drive went smoothly and my niece is very nicely set up. So glad I remembered the toilet paper. Just gotta stay awake till 8 then go home and zonk out.
Hello everyone, hopefully you’re all ok. We have no power in Burwood, and our phone internet is dial up speed. Our ETA for power to be back on is also 1pm on Thursday. I reeeeeaally hope it doesn’t take that long, I’m not built for sponge baths.
Same situation and suburb, but my mobile internet isn’t slow it just only connects a few seconds at a time per minute
I hope this helps:⚡
Thursday, damn that’s rough! I saw on the news there was a fallen high voltage tower, that could be why it’s taking so long. Hopefully you can go to another suburb friend/family/workplace to charge devices and have a shower if needed?
Thankfully we got power back at 5am today! Had a hot bath tonight, which was awesome!
Our fence is completely down now between us and the fuckwits next door. Every time my husband goes to speak to them they run inside and ignore his banging on the door.
This time my husband knocked on their back door and they still didn’t answer. The old cunt lives outside like a hobbo for fucksake. I’m going to put a curse on them.
You own? While you can arrange to split costs, end of the day, legally, in vic, you can rebuild a fence whenever you want and your neighbours can gargle your balls.
Yeah we own but from my understanding is you can get the fence fixed with both party’s going halvies but the hard part is getting blood out of a stone.
Fencing notice. Enjoy. https://www.disputes.vic.gov.au/information-and-advice/fencing
It’s time to get a whole bunch of annoying animals. With the fence down, they’ll overrun his yard and he’ll be begging for a new fence in no time. Goats, geese, Rottweilers (have you seen the deposits they leave?)…
I’d feel sorry for the animals that would get lost in there.
Goats will consume most of it, and geese the rest. Also the geese will keep said neighbours pent up inside. They are formidable protectors. I believe you can rent goats for the purpose of clearing weeds from abandoned land - maybe this yard will qualify.
My dog would eat the animals.
Aahhh have a newbie who needs the office because they haven’t got home internet sorted and I need to go in too to be a good team leader and not make them the only team person braving the weather but I DON’T WANNA go out there…
I hope they have good air condiitoning at your work. That’d be the only saving grace.
They do and it’s very pleasant now I am actually here.
- the doggo finally gets a run
Was thinking about hitting the beach but experience tells me that wind will ruin your day.
It reminds of the time I went to Kalbarri in WA few years back (lovely place can recommend) went to the beach and wind was huuuge. Sand was hitting my shins with extraordinary vigour and it left a mark on them for a few years. Completely destroyed my shin modelling career.
Sandblasting is no joke.
edit: and look who decided to look after the chillo patch:
Anytime I see them there is a squeal of delight. These things whilst pretty are apex monsters of the bug world. If I were an aphid I wouldn’t be buying a long playing record.
<3 I do the same whenever I see these friends chilling out with my plants too. Chillos have been aphid free this summer, entirely thanks to my homies I think
So happy to see them here.
I know people buy them and chuck 'em on but to see them there at their own volition sparks immense joy.
A bit like the joy of having a cat become your friend. We have been chosen! We provide safe refuge and food.
Everybody has had their brains cooked. An asleep boyo informed me he need to go walk the crayfish.
Channelling the Mock Turtle’s song in Alice in Wonderland. Given that lobsters and crayfish are pretty much the same.
“Will you walk a little faster?” said a whiting to a snail. "There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s treading on my tail. See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance! They are waiting on the shingle — will you come and join the dance? Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?
“You can really have no notion how delightful it will be, When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to sea!” But the snail replied “Too far, too far!” and gave a look askance— Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance. Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance.
“What matters it how far we go?” his scaly friend replied. "There is another shore, you know, upon the other side. The further off from England the nearer is to France— Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance? Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, won’t you join the dance?
So I talked to my young relative about the people she normally associates with and her one friend who lives here too.
i have a rant.
These are the kind of kids in their late teens to early 20s whose parents found rent too high in Sydney and bought them an apartment with cash instead. Another who just casually mentions her parents rent out beachfront houses and can move between cities because they own properties everywhere, like it’s fairly mundane information.
I try not to be resentful to the point where I focus on things I can’t change, at the expense of things I can change. I can’t personally blame these kids for something they didn’t create.
But when the grind towards secure housing seems like such a Sisyphean task, and constrains so much of our lives these days, then I actually meet these kids and their friend circles being handed these assets as a matter of fact… to never know what such a fundamental part of most peoples lives involves… It’s beyond just rich and poor, it is such a massive gap in life experiences and coming face to face to it is just a bit surreal and depressing tbh.
Really saps the energy out of you in even bothering to try joining the race. I don’t want to grow up with all their privileges but gee, not having to ever worry about housing security when looking for jobs, partners, hobbies, etc would be very nice.
exhale well, not to try and Pollyanna myself out of the situation but I’ll try and end the night now at least feeling grateful for my warm shower and power. The worst I’ve suffered back home is two chilli pots blown over squashing other plants.
It’s hard not to be bitter when you see the staggering difference in opportunities being handed out. Indeed these kids are very privileged and will have a big head start in life. The system is fucked.
But you’re doing such good things for your niece and ensuring she didn’t just go off a support cliff on moving to study. It’s so helpful what you did for her and having that support will help her focus on her studies. Even if it’s not a paid off house it’s a lot more than some young people get and I’m sure she appreciates it immensely.
What they have is family and no mental guilt or misplaced shame with using family assets.
How come poor people/young adults think they have to be independent, have to live on their own, have to make it on their own? That’s nothing but false truisms that keep poor people poor.
kitten, you’re doing really good things for your fam, the right things. 🤗