They’re STILL fucking pissy about masks?
I didn’t think it was possible to hate this fucker more and more each day and yet here we are.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
John F. Kennedy
Good luck stopping college kids from protesting. I eagerly await the lawsuit that comes out of him trying.
Third times the charm. C’mon someone!
But yesterday he said that free speech was back?
“Thank you for your attention to this matter.”
Every time I scroll past this image, that’s the line that gets me. Bold threatening declaration by fascist dictator, then ends like a work email reminding you not to leave food in the cafeteria fridge over the weekend.
Two minutes later: we don’t have enough skilled people to make Teslas and computer chips.
Four minutes later: I have an idea, let’s hire immigrants.
Six minutes later: we hate immigrants, they are stealing our jobs.
Oh so only Trump has the right to stage protes… oh I mean storm the capitol
There are manifestation which are legal, even with masks, in the US
Yes, fuck this. And fuck the previous guy and every president before that.
Woah america, are you alright?
I used to be the pride of my family for having finished college. Now it’s demonized by them.
I feel for the students of today. College was an important time for me. I experienced a lot of new ideas, my mind was opened. I didn’t get to do much in grad school, but my first four years of college changed me and I wouldn’t be the same without those experiences. The way the situation is escalating we may see colleges completely locked down or even abolished.
So what about legal protests?
This is really real? Holy shit